Uni Eco-Stone

Ready to make your house a home?


Uni Eco-Stone

Uni Eco-Stone

Uni Eco-Stone®, a permeable paver application, offers unique advantages over traditional pavements. Finished installations of the Uni Eco-Stone® provide a matrix of surface openings designed to capture surface water runoff and infiltrate it to the drained paving section. The end results are attenuation of runoff, increase in water quality and mitigation of pollutant impact on the surrounding environment. Paver design, material selection and drainage combine to make Uni Eco-Stone® Permeable Pavers a potential Best Management Practice for EPA compliance requirements.
Product Number: 642


Paver Type: Commercial
Quality Type: Other
Project Type: ADA Paver, Crosswalks, Driveways, Entry Way, Erosion Control, Medians, Retaining Walls, Roadways, Sidewalk
European Pavers Southwest